Monday, March 14, 2016

Germaphobe Cure

There is something I noticed after a few years of preaching. If I forgot to wash my hands before eating Sunday lunch, I would usually get a cold or something a few days later. All that brotherly love!! Love and germs go together. So I became somewhat of a germaphobe. Drinking after someone! No WAY! It got so bad that I wouldn't even drink after my wife. I would kiss her pretty good :) . But sharing a straw just grossed me out. I know. Crazy.

Over the years my germ hatred was tested. Five children. Millions of diapers. Throw up. On my face. And then there were mission trips. Holding naked babies in remote villages of Haiti and Africa. There was sharing meals with folks off the SAME PLATE. 

But something has happened. It is pretty much gone. The germ thing is gone. I think love has chased away my phobia. Love and germs go together. But love and phobias don't. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. (1 John 4:18)  Love cured me. 

"Love and germs go together. But love and phobias don't."

We asked a family of four to stay with us while they built their new home. Over the months we came to love them like family. One day I was sitting at the kitchen table sharing a soda with one of them. Drinking out of the same bottle. Talking. Laughing. Wait. What??? I didn't even notice at first.

In Africa, eating with my friends has become a yummy joy! Even off the same plate. Love has made the meal an experience of togetherness of love. 

There is an amazing and even shocking conversation that Jesus had with someone (John 4). She was a Samaritan. Jews didn't associate with Samaritans. She was also a she. Rabbis were not supposed to share with women. She was also not exactly a moral person. She was at a well filling her bucket. Jesus was there too. Sitting. He didn't have a bucket. She noticed. She was also shocked when Jesus spoke. Even more by what he asked. Jesus asked her for a drink of water. Her water. From her bucket!!! From her cup I guess! Jesus drank after her. Germ alert! BUT love led to more than his physical thirst quenched. It led to her spiritual deadly dehydration being drenched with an eternal spring of the living water of Jesus within her. Forever. 

Love cured my phobia. And Love covers a multitude of sins. 

(Yes I still wash my hands after church).